Chat icon asymmetric cryptography

asymm_crypt. 0.1 | 2307

graph LR; subgraph Alice seed((A seed
bytes/hex Chat icon)); seed-->privk(private key Chat icon); privk-->|DH or ECC|pubk[public key Chat icon]; privk-->sig(signature
or encrypt
with shared key
); pubk-.->verif(verification); msg(message
or hash_msg)-.->sig; msg-.->verif; sig-.->verif; end subgraph Bob seed2((B seed
bytes/hex Chat icon)); seed2-->privk2(private key Chat icon); privk2-->|DH or ECC|pubk2[public key Chat icon]; privk2-->sig2(signature
or encrypt
with shared key
); pubk2-.->verif2(verification); msg2(message
or hash_msg)-.->sig2; msg2-.->verif2; sig2-.->verif2; end subgraph Shared secret privk-->sharedKA(shared secret Chat icon); pubk2===>sharedKA; privk2-->sharedKB(shared secret Chat icon); pubk-->sharedKB; sharedKA-. is equal .-sharedKB; end sharedKA-..-sig2; sharedKB-..-sig; classDef plain fill:#ddd,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:3px,color:#000; classDef k8s fill:#326ce5,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:3px,color:#fff; classDef cluster fill:#333,stroke:#00ff00,stroke-width:2px,color:#00ff00; classDef redB stroke:#f00,stroke-width:3px; classDef oraB stroke:#f80,stroke-width:3px; classDef bluB stroke:#00f,stroke-width:3px; classDef greB stroke:#3f3,stroke-width:3px; class service,pod1,pod2 k8s; class client plain; class cluster cluster; class privk redB; class privk2 oraB; class pubk greB; class pubk2 bluB; class addr greB;
Very simple Deffie-Hellman "MATH"

generate_public_key pK 
pK = G ** sk % m
-> gen (pk) from secret/private key (sk)

A = G**a % m
Chat icon a ---> A Chat icon

B = G**b % m
Chat icon b ---> B Chat icon

generate_shared_secret S -> Alice: A: Hba = (Gb)a = Gba = S
Chat icon = Chat icon + Chat icon Bob: B: Hab = (Ga)b = Gab = S
Chat icon = Chat icon + Chat icon

very simple demonstration of Deffie-Hellman with small numbers

m = 17  # p
G = 2  # G

def dh(sk, g=G): # generate_public_key
    pk = g ** sk % m
    return pk 

a = 5
A = dh(a) = 2*2*2*2*2 / 17 = 32 (% 17) = 15

b = 3
B = dh(b) = 2*2*2 % 17 = 8 (% 17) = 8

8**5 = 32768 (% 17) = 9
15**3 = 3375 (% 17) = 9

~ a*b == b*a

more advanced example with larger numbers

# Alice and Bob choose their private keys: 
a = 555555555555
b = 333333333333 

# Create an instance of the DiffieHellmanKeys class
dh_a = DiffieHellmanKeys()
dh_b = DiffieHellmanKeys()

print("--- Alice:")
alice_private_key = a
A = dh_a.generate_public_key(a) ->
A = alice_public_key = dh_a.generate_public_key(alice_private_key)

print("--- Bob:")
bob_private_key = b
B = dh_b.generate_public_key(b) ->
B = bob_public_key = dh_b.generate_public_key(bob_private_key)

shared_secret = dh_a.generate_shared_secret(alice_private_key, bob_public_key)
shared_secret_hex32 = dh_a.get_hex_shared32()

print("\n[  --- SIGN ---  ]")
cbc_iv = bytes.fromhex("0c1e24e5917779d297e14d45f14e1a1a") # andreas
cbc_key = bytes.fromhex(shared_secret_hex32) 

cbc = CBC_XOR(cbc_key, cbc_iv)

hash_message = sha256(message_plaintext_bytes).digest() 

print("Encryption ->")
ciphertext = cbc.encrypt(hash_message)
print(f'Ciphertext: {ciphertext.hex()}')

print("\n[ --- VERIFY --- ]")
decrypted_hash = cbc.decrypt(ciphertext)

# Bob computes the hash of the original message
bob_computed_hash = sha256(message_plaintext_bytes).digest()

# Verification
if decrypted_hash == bob_computed_hash:
    print("Verification successful: The decrypted hash matches the original hash.")

""" [ --- KEY GENERATION --- ] DiffieHellmanKeys/parameters (g = 3, p = 170141183460469231731687303715884105727) # Mersenne prime M127=2**127-1 --- Alice: Private key: 555555555555 | 0x8159b108e3 Public key: 0x236d61d241c8deec988b449371ef59fb :. 38 --- Bob: Private key: 333333333333 | 0x4d9c370555 Public key: 0x20119b431bf77946dab17b2056cacf56 :. 38 6d299f5dae62c2e9c9f2806ae9ab66cc (32) [ --- SIGN --- ] message_plaintext_bytes: b'a short text for signing and subsequent verification | Agama 123' cbc_key: 6d299f5dae62c2e9c9f2806ae9ab66cc :.. 32 cbc_iv_: 0c1e24e5917779d297e14d45f14e1a1a cbc_block_size: 16 Encryption -> Ciphertext: 85f4c1e6017c5ae53accb79a97379a2e094668dff975431b7a777be4d1a1c200747fe792470791e2a395eb9e281ab4dc [ --- VERIFY --- ] Verification successful: The decrypted hash matches the original hash. Hash: e4c37a5e3e69e1de64df7ab58fd2e6f8e19b3664566bdb1789494c14af3d3ee2 :. 64 """ |